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The Significance of Qurbani

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (as). For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah SWT.” (Tirmidhi). Qurbani, or Udhiyah, as it is known in the Arabic language, is the sacrifice of an animal, typically a goat, sheep or cow,

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Honour him: Change a life on Father’s Day

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

In Islam, the role of a father is an important one within the foundation of every family, their tireless efforts and imparted wisdom over the years, shape us into the people we grow up to be. As always, our leading role model is the Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings

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What is Fidyah and How to Pay it in 2024?

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

For each day a fast is missed a person is a Muslim is required to provide one needy person with two meals to redeem themselves before the almighty, Allah (SWT). Fidya is a religious order in the Qur’an given to those who miss fasts in Ramadan. “Fasting is for a

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Shaykh Zahir Mahmood’s Personal Account of Visiting Palestine

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

Donate Now   My dearest brothers and sisters – Assalamu’Alaykum, I have been blessed to visit Palestine twice previously. Firstly, my experience in Gaza in 2009 and then later in Jerusalem during Ramadan 2016. Words cannot describe what the eyes saw and what the ears heard. Here at home in

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Orphan Facts & Statistics

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

Throughout the world, tragedy separates parents from children leaving the broken lives of little ones who need caring people to intervene and change their paths. As the love of people grows colder, stories of terrible circumstances are everywhere. How bad is it? Here are some facts to keep you informed.

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A child dies every two minutes from a water related disease!

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

A child dies every two minutes from a water related disease! 2.1 billion people around the world are still unable to access safe drinking water. Giving water means giving life because it makes possible cooking, washing, watering crops and livestock, making wudu and quenching thirst! Read more.  Make a donation

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Zakat And Sadaqah: What Is The Difference?

Zaimah - Donate For Help In Emergency, Education, Water, orphans & Mosque.

Zakat in Arabic means growth, blessing and purification. See Lisaan al-‘Arab, 14/358;, 2/399 Sadaqah comes from the word sidq (sincerity), i.e. it is a sign of sincerity of faith on the part of the person who gives it. See Fath al-Qadeer, 2/399 With regard to the shar’i definition: Zakat means

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